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Terry Hooper-Scharf

Friday 10 April 2015

Dr Morg Trilogy -This Cover Will **** Up Your Mind (and eyes)

Comic Album
52 pages
Black & White
Price: £8.00
Ships in 3–5 business days

 Metapsychophysics meets comics. Its the next inevitable natural evolutionary step in comic books!

For the first time all three parts of the highly acclaimed Dr. Morg Trilogy are combined into one volume:


and the final explosive THE DEATH OF DR. MORG!

Is it all just hallucination -a scientific test gone wrong? What is the "Brotherhood of Sleep"? What immobilizes and creepily studies people in their sleep?  Jack Flash, Johnny Neg -and others all feel the chilling, unstoppable evil that Dr Morg's experiments seems to have awoken.

"It has our DNA!"  But WHAT?

The spine-tingling words of Jack Flash on the final page of The Return of the Gods said it: "Dr Morg has killed us all!"

The Small Press zine trilogy was up-dated and put into one scrumptious edition with a new cover designed smash into your eyes like an Abrams Tank smashing through a brick wall with guns blazing. It has now been adopted by medical facilities to created seizures in human guinea pigs.

In Europe this book got rave reviews and they understood it.  In the UK comic intellectualism is reading The Beano while seated on the toilet.  Are YOU intellectual enough for this? Or space out enough? Man this will blast your lower intestinal track like last week's curry.

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